Wednesday, December 30, 2009
@ 23:47
lol today's the 3oth! sigh tml the 31st! gg2010 soon! i wasted the whole of!freak cfm tml gonna be a freaking boring freaking dayoh wadever!ok i'm gonna remember every single lesson learnt from this year!not gonna affect me anymore at the start of 2010! wootswho cares study ba i guess.say nia everytime oso wun study de! zzzcool..Today,went school morning for exco!did dry run and the stage thingy by the other exco members.freak my neck is freaking injured lolk la i'm not in the mood to blog right now!so i'm just gonna end it here today.maybe more of it when the year starts ba!sigh..ok if i can do it three years ago, i dun believe i cannot do it nowwoots juz some random shit statement!nights all!PiNk-
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
@ 22:23
Today's not a day with lots and lots of events but for duno wad reason i just feel freaking freaking tired..maybe cuz not feeling well from all the continously sneezing and headache the whole day!sigh! noob nose! i wanna change one nose..Today,went sch in the morning at 1030 to paint the exco banner for open house.coated the outlines with gold paints lol! pretty!duno painted for how long maybe abt 130-2 ba..met liyan, derrick and milly along with ws and zy to study in sch!omg! the whole freaking school is open, but none of the classroom is avaliable for use..still want ask us to study.. but dun open the rooms! ... did math and a little of physics?dun really noe how to do cuz i really cannot think! omgi am sneezing the whole day since painting.maybe outside exco room there too dusty already..did homework all the way till 6? but nvr really accomplished much..went off to meet my parents at the main gate to see treat my freaking stupid and stubborn neck is ggfied after listening to wad the doctor saystogether with my spine and shoulders, i think i'm like nearly paralysed?! LOL( not so serious la!)but ya la i think i'm as good as being paralysed. my neck is juz freaking irritating , twisting here and there, doing godly stunts.( left cannot do 360 degrees turn only)sia la how! the treatment is gonna be so freaking long!mine i duno is minor problem or somewhat worse than minor lol! its been around for 1.5 yearsmust go x-ray first! LOL goneso the treatment period is around 3years> treatment >9 months!( lol this also can use inequality)so ya.. hope its those minor minor de ba!all my bones behind are bent! LOL all off from the inital position! duno why and duno HOW?!ok nevermind its gonna be fine i hope! it will de la from wad the doctor say. but only cannot recover fully! will have an error of about 5% from ya, after treatment will be 95% straight! LOLso yup here am i complaining about my stupid necklols and i really do not feel freaking well now! my nose is making me pissed off! coupled with headache! i'm off to sleep!dun sick please! tml got dry run!i'm so freaking pissed with my nose..LOLnights all!PiNk-
Monday, December 28, 2009
@ 23:35
Woots! OGL workshop two today! haha
another tired, sticky, sweaty, smelly day..
went to school in the morning at 8! supposedly 8..
but as not usual, i was late for 10 mins..
shit la go there liao everyone say my hair too long, need cut!
lol yes i know! cuz of filming cannot cut ma!
soon le soon le! its getting freaking irritating.
set off to sentosa with the OGLS.
cheered along the way in the bus
went to go through the rough plans for the orientation 2010.
played games which were freaking sandy! LOL
first game made me real wet with all the councils shooting waterguns on me and shaun...
sia la the water made me so sticky the whole day lol!
not gonna elaborate much on today la!
just gonna say its freaking tired, but enjoyable day!
oh yeah, my legs are also breaking from all the walking ....
OMG its like we toured the whole coast..
fun leh! woots
k la i'm ending here, my neck is breaking soon!
damn pain now so i'm gonna take a break from the com! woots
finally see doctor tml!
hope doctor can cure me liaoz!:D
nights all! whee!!!!
sleep well!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
@ 23:52
hello everyone again today!wowow firstly, i'm freaking tired today! so i think nto gonna be a freaking long post ba!:Dtired siol.. omg. Today,woke up kinda early at around 11 to go amk to make current specs so cui went all the way to amk do lor.chose specs for freaking long time and still duno wad to choose. so in the end chose a frameless and almost weightless specs luh!i liked it cuz its like not wearing anything haha! try try! si wen bai lei.. oops:(went for breakfast/lunch at the hawker centre nearby and ate till quite full. O.o..went to NYJC for exco painting banners for open house! omgI AM FREAKING EARLY TODAY! YES I AM EARLY AGAIN! AS USUAL, I AM EARLY!:-OWOOTS!i went at 1 when the scheduled timing is at 130!hardworking and punctual right! i know:Dplayed piano awhile and went down to join the rest.omg la i didn't know asraf they all ordered KFC as i was at forth storey playing piano..they ordered my share too when i just had lunch! LOLnvm! its a two piece chicken meal! haha:D so in the end packed it for dinner instead! lolnothing much happened during the painting, just painted and painted..oh ya, we danced abit on all the dances! LOlno girls except charis there! so all no partner.... LOLoh ya other than dance, we sang too! LOL OMG our multi-singing is juz perfect!:D LOLlet u all listen some other time!must with guan wei, asraf, charis, derrick samuel and me! LOLk la nothing much already! after everything, we went back home lor..took mrt back home and eat my two piece chicken.. fat liao fat liaohaha k la i think thats all for today! kinda excited for tml's ogl workshop two!hpoe there's lots and lots of dancing tml!it would be so super freaking cool then! wootsquickly orientation!:D hahanights everyone!bye bye:DPiNk-
Saturday, December 26, 2009
@ 22:58
whoa my neck really have serious is going to drop on the floor real soon..quite tiring day today, walked around and around and around..Today,soccer at 9 in nchs field today! woots! its soccer again after a week! need more training liaos no more stamina..went there at about 920? late abit nia la compared to the others! OOPSonly like ky, deon, tin, hk, joe, lx, jason, kenny and me!not alot leh hardly can play a match and so, teamed up with zi jian that team to play inhse lor..played like 7 goals a match and we went off to compass to buy lunch.went to my house to lunch as well as to wait for me bathe...went off to hougang green with tin tin and deon to play lan!omg dota is getting sick seroiusly, long time no touch alreadybut still not bad leh, we three owned the other four of deonsus friends in that one game! woots sick tankers and ds! WOOTSk la seriously dota is getting retarded. just dun uds why ppl juz wanna leavenext! cabbed to hougang mall with tin and deonsus to take mrt!i'm freaking late to meet derrick! omg..met him at farrer park mrt station at 530.ok we are supposed to meet at 5! sighhomg sorry derrick again! i tried to rush down liaos:( really:(went to farrer park cuz of the open house carnival luh..must make trophies...the freaking thing is that when we reached that trophy shop, they weren't open for business..we could only look at the design and ask for more information there nia.. sigh need to go back again next week..logistics is just freaking emo!i shall tortue the log comm next week by asking them along! hehewalked around with derrick in that duno wad mallomg by the way ppl! the mini speakers that i keep bringing to school is $59! u all can go buy liao!:)yup nothing much liao.. went home on train alone.. so long lar!went home configured my new desktop theme and here am i blogging!OMG i'm so freaking high now for duno wad reason..ok maybe is due to the newly painted room which got such light and pleasant colour! i feel more high now! wootsok actually i duno wad i am talking about in the post! everything dun make sense! whee!ok actually i am going to post about something that is gonna be freaking retarded!it concerns a plan about something! but i'm not gonna post it already! LOLi'll post it when i have nothing to say k! WOOTS LOLpardon me ppl! i today just to crazy liao! till now still so freaking high! zai jian le ppl!nights!bye! PiNk-
Friday, December 25, 2009
@ 23:37
Merry Christmas people!so fast 2009 going to end already!but its abit disappointing lol.think its called life ba heh!Today,its christmas today but its more bored than normal day.its seriously freaking one is online the whole day today..guess everyone's out other than me at home.not fun de no one wanna date me out.its normal lol..seriously did nothing this year hahayup thats all for today! after all i'm still feeling bu shang bu xia!its ok not like it never happened before.can't expect 100% returns even if i put in 100%.this is called life, not principle of conservation..shouldn't stick around too much!its show time!woot 2010, i'm coming!:Dnights all!bye!PiNk-
Thursday, December 24, 2009
@ 23:19
Today's christmas eve!sian i didn't realise its christmas eve all the way till afternoon lol!then i realise nothing to do today.went out to study today lor and da gai da gai thats all.Today,supposed to meet derrick at 9 at lorong chuanpostponed to 930 cuz we couldn;t wake the end i met him at 1005 cuz i was practically super duper late yeah?sorry derrick:(went to buy breakfast for liyan as well as for ourselves and den off to liyan house to do homework!ok homework.. i didn't really do alot too.. another few questions? yea!nothing much to elaborate as i dun really have to energy to say everything out now...left liyan house at 545 with derrick to meet his friend.went to vivo after that to pei derrick shop for christmas presents?omg i really didn't realise its christmas..ok wads the point in christmas, its the same as any normal random dayits even worse cuz people have activites while i am trapped alone.nevermind at least can play canon in D which can always successfully make someone highor in the very least play every thing out..after shopping, went to the soup spoon for dinner with derrick.nothing much to do there just chatted, chatted and worzxzxzx so sweet! LOLwalked around in vivo and went home after that liaos nothing much todayk ba chirstmas eve today, enjoy ur day to all that have events going onfor those that nothing much to do, listen to canon in Dthats the best of all times!canon in D's the best! cuz its gonna be one hour long soon! thanks derrick for combo-ing with me! LOLsorry derrick for being late today!thanks derrick for spending the night off todaysorry derrick cuz all the thanks i said is all liesthank me go vivo with u k derrick!ok jus jk!nights all! buaiis!:DPiNk-
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
@ 23:50
Whee people! its so fun now omg ! this is crazyomg omg omg! tell you all more later:DToday, went for exco dry run at 9! need to settle all the log thingys and get ready them by 11! woot!woot! we settled everything in 40 mins! whee!started dry runnothing much alsowent for lunch at around 4 after doing homework while waiting for samuel and derrick's meeting..went to samuel's house and see them film lor! cruelty to liyan again! crazy derrick..went home for piano lesson!omg my canon in D is gonna be one hour soon!:Dnewer and newer parts liaos! WOOTS!OMG ok dled skype and ooVoo? duno wad the hell is thatbut derrick asked me dl beacuse it can group video calls! omg la!ok i shall stop here and play with the video calls liaos!bye everyone!PIANO FOREVER:D WHEEENIGHTS ALL! PiNk-
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
@ 22:48
today's supposed to be a normal feeling day
it all went well all the way for the whole day
but now i'm feeling a little upset and getting pissed with every single thing
i also duno why.. maybe too tired already!
sigh this is the the best place for me to say everyshit out as there is no other better place?.
perfectly 100% feeling down right now as there is no reason for me to be happy at all
yup yup
met sebas, wei zhen, jia yi, wei siang and zong ying for filming in the morning
yup yup its still a scence that shouldn't be disclosed
dun spoil the surprise yeah.
basically filming went on for the whole day.
listened to the dance songs and random songs for like 1-2 hrs at the void deck.
O.o godly time wasting
then its liyan, Derrick and Samuel's turn to film.
their scene is superb
best to make someone smile yeah.
basically, i spent like some time in samuel's room doing my APGP holiday assignment...
did only like 4 questions in an hour. so slow zzz
yes i know i'm noob
my math not A de..
went home after that on train with sebas, wz and jy.
yup thats all for today!
pardon me for the retarded emo shit post. but just feel like typing out all the shit
ok at this point of time now, I am really feeling very dot dot dot(...)
i duno wads that feeling la its just i have nothing to say
its all me la! sometimes i really hate to go home zzz! i just have nothing to argue back whenever i'm getting trashed at home!
ok nvm who cares lol
juz shut me up LOL
journey home was the first shit, reach home was the second
then so many things to do when i reach home was the third
sigh wadever.
anyway exco dry run tml!
log thingy to handle at 9 tml!
good luck to me! there's only derrick, tselin, ws and rara willing to help me for now!
thanks four of you! LOL wheeee
can de ba i can carry alot things very fit de^^
hope everything juz go well cuz i dun wish to be upset in front of everybody
its juz so freaking rude although i can't help it! LOL
bye everyone!
nothing much happened today!
mood swing la
everything juz come together at the wrong timing.
Monday, December 21, 2009
@ 23:47
ok its a freaking tired day today! but definitely a worth it day!woots new dance and a godly new experience in cinema:DToday,OGL workshop at 830! omg so early..wanted to wake up and get there early to play piano with Derrick and Milly..but still late in the end.. sigh!played orientation games till all the way from like 9-1?erm stomach was like duno why so pain for like so freaking long throughout all the games la.felt better only after lunch time.woots then its the 32nd mass dance! so cool! we learnt the whole song liao!think should be able to remember it!so cute lah the dance! LOLwent on to j8 with samuel, wei siang, zong ying, derrick, liyan and amanda to watch avatar!its 3D one laa! so cool luh! feel like jumping into the screen to kill that freaking old muscle idiot. zzzi didn't know the movie was so long lor! mum called like 4 times throughout the show.! sigh..went home and its abt near 11? shoo tired...k la i'm ending the post here:Dsuper tired legs and freaking breaking neck! zzzzfilming tml! hope it will be fun ba:D nights everyone! bye=)PiNk-
Sunday, December 20, 2009
@ 23:45
WOOSH! ok ppl i'm getting guai-er and guai-er day by day!the amount of work i did today have already trashed the amount of work i did for the whole month!*claps*ITS ALOT OF WORK OK!WOOTS:DToday,woke up at like 930 and slacked around for like 1.5 hrs! zzztook bus 27 all the way to airport T3 to meet derrick and brendon!guess wad we are doing there?STUDYING SIOL! OMG! GGcan u even believe it?! but sorry, u just have to believe it!OK PPL LOOK AT THIS VERY CAREFULLY!I WAS THE EARLIEST TO REACH T3! GET IT?! I WAS THE EARLIEST! YA U ARE NOT LOOKING AT IT WRONGLYI WAS THE EARLIEST!OMG!went for lunch there with derrick firstthe late brendon joined us after like 30 mins which got dao-ed by us for like 10 mins!COOL!went to the extreme end of the check-in that level to study!i can't believe it la! studying on the floor! OMG..MATH for today! binomial theorem :Dok this is really dumb lor. Derrick and I danced for every 2 questions of binomial theorem we the end spent 4 hrs on 7 questions!yup the whole day we did 7 QUESTIONS! ok its more than the whole of my holiday ok..went to mac for dinner. Derrick and his super super big meal walked towards T2 to lose weight due to some guilty feelings.. sigh! in the end still give up and turned back to T3.brendon went home after that and kind derrick took 27 with me all the way to CP! woots! stupid 27 so long de lor.. and so many ppl!. zzzYES BRENDON I KNOW YOU ARE THE FIRST TO GET HOME TODAY! its 1/365 that u get home first.sighhhh! super tiring day! all my brain cells all dead from doing binomial theorem!BUT NOT BAD LEH! QUITE PRO WORZXZX! explained some godly questions!yup yup! thats all for today liaos!ok ppl its time to say good bye!so super excited for tml OGL workshop! omg! we are gonna dance! DANCE LEH! DANCE !!song bo! :D yup thats abt it!oh btw intro u all one song.its called so hot by wondergirls! DAMN NICE LEH!nights everyone!PiNk-
Saturday, December 19, 2009
@ 23:18
WEEKENDS! not really exciting though!My life so boring! OMGnothing much again lar! haha:DToday,went for soccer training at 9 in nchs.! can't be counted as a training too... only 6 ppl turned up!so, as usual, we kicked penalties and free kicks, headers for like 3 hrs?!OMG?!yup yup! So long never soccer le! so still quite enjoyable:Dwent for lunch at KFC with ky, deonsus and jason.den train to sch along with deonsus!got filming ma, bo bian! tough life right! saturday oso must wor OT. sigh!but FUN LEH!WOOT!again, i think better not disclose wad we filmed today, or it wun be fun liaozxzxz!so nothing much to say alr lor! end of today! hahai sometimes wonder when my life can be filled with something again!u know the empty feeling just sucks!its like you are alone in the whole world! OMG!but nvm its nothing, i'm having a great time the whole week with all the outings and filmings:Dthanks everyone around me! hehe!Life is like econs, where by the GDP fluctuates just like the different parts of life. therefore we need different measures to dampen the harmful effects!i knew i'm gifted in econs!ok dun be lame liao! just nothing to do!dun u all think that the econs part just make sense? k la, thats all for today ppl!THANKS DERRICK FOR THE BIRTHDAY GIFT! :D WOOTS U ROCK!nights everyone! i'm off!PiNk-
Friday, December 18, 2009
@ 23:50
Hello everyone!Its me, kel again craping on my 11th post!today's another boring day seriously which i slept throughout the day! sigh!Today,morning consultation for chemistry with mr lim!my chem seriously so tough for me, i seem to not know everything.ok this is a signal for me to start studying liao!chem bonding, energetics and electrochem! OMG LAR!sigh!come on ppl study tgt with me kays! :Dafter consultation, went home to sleep..O.osleep again and again and again!woke up at evening and watched tv all the way till now.told you nothing much liaos!one imba good news is i finally sort of quit dota!SO LONG NVR PLAY LIAO LEH!dota oso play till nothing to play liao! sad:(k this is a good sign for me as i can finally start studying right!hmmm i can't rely on you anymore, so i'll have to survive on my own again.thats life, thats being human!let history be history and memories be buried tgt with it!thats life!Its not good to be close to people that have a wide gap with youmight just end up sad.the past no longer mean anything!wheeee!end of today! nights all!PiNk-
Thursday, December 17, 2009
@ 23:48
Tenth post now!alllright no pictures today!was at home for the whole freaking day! super tired lar!mood also somewhat cui today! kinda emo when thinking of the shit past!sigh!finally resorted to saying out my feelings online!Today,woke up at 10!and of cuz late for tuition at 1030...overslept! sry!..went home for lunch and slept all the way to 5 plus!ok i have a very weird dream! LOLnot gonna elaborate on that though.dinner next? den tv? nothing on today at all! spent the whole day rotting like mad! zzzztook out chem bonding notes and didn't really did anything.gonna get killed by mr lim tml! sigh!thats all for today i think.. ok i know, i'm rotting my life off!sigh! such a painful life man!its human nature to want the best for themselves!of cuz that happens to me too.. but i have a requestcan humans minimize the damage done to the others and at the same time benefit themselves?sigh! since the damage is done, it wun be as new as before.hmm actually, wads done is done, so why bother.ok so lame! LOLthats all for today! cheers to always solo life! since i also duno when.ok i'm not making any sense! woots!LIYAN, JOEY, AMANDA and the rest of ur friends, HAVE A SAFE TRIP TML! ENJOY!take care people!:)nights everyone!PiNk-
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
@ 11:00
Hello everyone! 9th post now! wheee! my favourite number nine!
ok this is the first time i'm uploading pics, so dun laugh at me if there is anything retarded.
basically this post is da gai da gai say about the two days with brendy,sammie, milly,liyan and marion!!!:D
secondly, i had a super fun time playing like crazy with you all! WOOTS!
read the post..
basically these are all the pics taken in MB,SUPRISE PARTY AND SLEEPOVER!:D 

its my hair! do u believe it?!

omg samuel! WOOSH!









:D sadly milly's not here!:(

look at the blue bedsheets! its the same as mine!
OMG LA LIYAN'S bedsheet and everything is exactly the same as mine! i feel like i'm lying on my bed! ROFL
a crazy trip to MB first
then another trip out to 313
then a exciting stayover!
i duno how to describe how excited and happy i feel now lo.. try to understand la k! :)
woke up kinda late at liyan's house.
stayover one night ma..
went for GM which only 10 people turned up. the meeting was completed in like 30mins? WOW!
danced the open house dance for kinda long. turn here and there..
left for samuel house again! WOOTS TIBET!
ok for ur info, TIBET is the cutest dog on earth! LOL( yes samuel, i know i know..)
ate for like ages again in sammie's house and then went to sch for filming.
today, i'm bryan, a bully in the film. so unlike me la..
nothing much to say about this, keep it a secret kays!
went off to kovan for dinner with liyan, weisiang, samuel, sebas, weizhen and jia yi!
nothing much happened today lar anyway! other than its a freaking tiring day
my eyes are popping out liao! sigh!
super tired after the stayover and playing the whole night of majong! woots
I'm feeling so happy and yet so sad this few days!
so happy to see and play with you guys!
and once again, LOVE YOU ALL MAN! u are all so funny and fun people!
why sad? basically my own stupid emo feelings lar. not very important
i've finally kinda realise how to be a human, so similar to econs! dun ask me why, i duno how to explain!
k la!
i haven't enjoyed so much and so felt so free and no restraint for many years!
juz wanna tell the whole world how WOOSH i feel right now! WHEEEE
to everyone that happens to see this post, SMILE ALWAYS! xD
END OF THE NINTH POST! its just my fav number! haha!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
@ 23:22
weee youuu weet! 8th post! one more post to my favourite number 9!!! wheeeeetoday's my birthday! 15th dec! received some birthday msgs and msn msgs from my cute friends! wheehowever i'm still feeling kinda down even after the clock struck 12!everything's changing this month. my life, my age and some of my friends. how i wish i can freeze time and stay on the time when i'm happiest most! k la happy birthday to me kays everyone! haha!Today,woke up in the morning, not feeling EXACTLY high for my birthday. duno why! i just love birthday, even if its not my birthday! come on people, its one in a year.walked around the house for like an hour then went to bathe and off to meet samuel and serangoon MRT.i was late AGAIN, as USUAL. not very late though, like 10 mins?! yup yup!met samuel at around 1250 then went on to lorong chuan to meet liyan!ok the plans for today!went to 313 with samuel, brendy and liyan!off to HMV for like an hour or so? i was like forcing them to stay there so that i can watch optimus prime revive from the teeveee..ok so sorry!after that, met milly at adidas which i saw my FAVOURITE TORRES JERSEY OMG! ITS 135 DOLLARS!!!doubt i can buy it anyway...went for lunch at some restaurant with constant korean concerts played on the teevee!ate for like another hour, which felt like a lifetime.( waiting for liyan and milly to eat..)i went home after that to meet my parents for dinner at the soup restaurant in CP!the meal's kinda nice too but the environement is kinda hot?..parents fetched me to liyan's house for the stayover, and here i am, blogging using her lappy.update more on the NINTH POST KAYS EVERYONE! kinda tired now..k la off to play majong! woots!see ya people! NINTH POST NINTH POST tomorrow! wheeeeNIGHTS ALL! BUAIIS! xD
Monday, December 14, 2009
@ 23:40
WOOSH! 7TH POST! xDFILMING DAY TODAY PLUS SOME SURPRISES!!Today,met liyan, weisiang, samuel and zongying at serangoon MRT for lunch.ok, as usual i was late for awhile! SO SORRY! I was desperately finding my clothes for the film!:(went to Macs AGAIN for lunch at around 1230..went to sammie's house for filming after that!At Sammie's house,went there kinda early first.danced awhile as well as taught liyan abit of the dance first while waiting for sebas.emoed at the sofa for a long time while waiting for samuel to film finish his part! so long!!finally its our turn to film. acted as a loanshark along with zy and ws.. and repeated the scene for like 5-6 times??( ask sebas why..)OK here's the OMG part..after our loanshark part, its the mum and son part by liyan and sammieomg this is classic la..the GREY HAIRED LIYAN was like emoing behind the door while reciting her script along with sam.they were like shaking the gate of samuel's house so vigourously that the gate CANNOT BE OPENED after the take..everyone inside was like uh-oh!OMG SO SORRY SAM! we are so careless..fortunately got hero MR ANG( sam's father) as well as his maid!and once again, the day is saved! THANKS TO MR ANG and sammie's maid!:)went to LC MRT with liyan as i needed to meet ky and lloyd( supposedly) at j8..At J8,reached j8 while msging lloyd and HE SAID HE'S THERE walked round and round about the station and realise there is no one. I was like sian O.O..then from behind, Hanlong, hann, kass, april and joyce appeared! I WAS LIKE OMG FOR A FEW SECS....whoa! ANOTHER SURPRISE!THANKS PEOPLE! LOVE YOU ALL!pity ky can't be here( recover soon bro!)went to swensens with them, without HL!!!! sigh! him arh..ok time to open the presents! EXCITED FOR MY BIRTHDAY TML! WOOT WOOT WOOT! HOPE IT WILL BE A FUN ONE!thats all for today!HAVE A SAFE TRIP HAN LONG! MUACKS BRO! BYE ALL!:D
Sunday, December 13, 2009
@ 23:18
YO ALL, FOR THE 6TH POST! HEHEHEEHHEtoday's a perfect dancing day man! woosh!like samuel said, 0119/0340!Today,went out in the morning with parents to meet grandfather and uncle for breakfast!supposedly breakfast, but ate at around 1..sigh this is wad makes me emo..i dun know since when, i kinda dun feel that i am part of the family...I duno what to say to them, I duno what to talk to them.I dun want this to happen de, but i duno how to talk to you all liao.Sorry mum and dad for being such a son.if only u can know what i'm thinking cuz i really want to be able to talk to you all like other families. yup yup! urgh! nevermind! still got my brother to talk to you all. Good things one enough already ba:)OK STOP ALL THE EMOING! NOW THIS SHALL BE THE WOOT PART!went to met sam at his place along with liyan!OK WE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE STUDYING THERE BUT nevermind...choreograph the dance with sam and liyan! woot! this is crazy!!!!liyan left at 5 to meet her parents i think. and i continued to stay at sam's house! woots!wa SAM'S A GREAT GUY! HE TREATED ME TO DINNER U KNOW! WOOTS!(parents to be exact)had nasi lemak in his house and continued to dance like crazy all the way till 8! OMG sam we are crazy already. 5 hrs of dance!went home on bus 156, thinking about appreciating the small things in life :( yup thats i guess all for today! nothing really CRAZY happened!thats my weekend!GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE! NIGHTS NIGHTS!BYE!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
@ 22:59
OK I'M EXCITED! 5TH POST NOW LIAO! WHEEEEEtoday's kinda a long day man! very happpppyyyyyy also! woots!Today,once upon a time, in a faraway land of pasir ris, i had to travel all the way from the green line planet to the red line planet called marina bay! sia la! quite a gao siao trip also lor!Morning woke up at around 9 at yunhann's house. Set off to the MRT with april as she is also going the same way to the red line for some CIP afraid that i'll be super duper late for NE and shixun will kill me. Fortunately only like 5 mins late! guess by now those who know me will noe i usually run a LITTLE late nia! ok right! sorry people=xchiong for the shuttlebus after that and ta da! arrived at that marina barrage! This place is imba lar! saw a cute bumblebee as soon as i arrived..went up to the gallery to see some singapore thingy. whoa that place is chio lor and we spammed photos like crazy. so unlike me.went up to the roof( roof?) for some suntanning and further spam somemore pics!and we went to play water at those mini fountain area? and AGAIN SPAMMED MORE PICS...NEXT,went to marine square for lunch AND PICS!liyan just loves to sabo me! thats all! sigh..everything u hear from liyan is not true de lor milly. must trust me k!went kbox with samuel, brendon,milly, liyan and marion.Ok here's the SUPER PART!milly and marion was like missing for ages!for that moment i thought they had their....( err hem samuel and liyan, u know wad i'm saying)so we just continued to sing some songs first while waiting luh!THEN, milly and marion rushed in with a birthday cake for me!
i was like so stunned and touched! sobbxx want cry liao!ok from here, i wanna tell you guys & girls thatI LOVE YOU ALL!
muacks muacks!i'll remember this sweet surprise forever kays!THANKS LIYAN
THANKS BRENDYTHANK YOU ALL OF YOU!:Dyup thats all for today ppl! i'll upload the photos some other time!wheeee!once again! love you people!WHEEEENIGHTS!
Friday, December 11, 2009
@ 23:20
4th post now! life's kinda down today! like for example now!=(
ok come one talk to me someone!
ignore that..
EMOING at the balcony and the others are watching wrestling and drinking some gassy drinks!
basically its the last night of the 'chalet'! its kinda bored cuz no tv channels for me to watch. So long never see some of them already, quite happy to see them though! swee la now 3/8 of us are attached! awwww no one wants me =(
talking about today. morning woke up and went to MACS AGAIN for breakfast! then went home with lloyd to bathe and bring my class tee and speakers( yup liyan i brought it!) for tml's NE! sia la tml NE so early at so far luh! zzzzz.
Met ky next and ate MAC AGAIN for a bite then went back to hann's house for dinner! =)
ok come on i really wanna talk to someone! can anyone be a kind soul and talk to me now?:)
ok i'm not that really that serious about this.
sighhhhh i feeeeel so lost siol!
life just suck at this moment!
Feel so alone lor:(
hope tomorrow's NE will be a fun one although i dun really know wad issit about.
guess thats all for today!
abit emo only cuz its night time hahaha!
smile xD
i'm off! nights
Thursday, December 10, 2009
@ 23:51
WOO HOO 3RD POST! ok i'm going to keep saying this till the 9th post ppl! WOOTS
now at yun hann's house with han long they all. pity that emo kang yang must study for exams tml!
My god lar! holidays are just freaking super boring lar! everyone is freaking studying i guess and i'm here rotting away! Mr lim wanna meet me for chemistry consultation on fri! gee gee gee gee geeeeee! i'm not prepared at all.
Basically rotted for like so many weeks already! sigh.. ok went out to meet hanlong and lloyd to go yun hann's house! as usual, we were like late for an hour or so? hmmmz its so not my nature to be late for something. errr hemm
Sad life. i'm emoing again for some stupid reasons there! luckily saw wondergirls nobody mv on tv that made my day! woots! actually not much things to do there also! can someone please entertain me or talk to me ok! woots
thats bascially more or less thats happening for today~ not much!
Life's so sad for me today. i'm sorry guys not cuz of you all, all cuz of my own problem!
woots emo post number one!:(
k la i'm ending here to play truth or dare with them ba.
so scared to choose truth!
bye ppl! smile always:)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
@ 20:45
WHEE MY 2ND post!
so excited LOL!
i'm still desperately trying to figure out how to use a blog.
sigh... so noob:(
nevermind, i will learn it some day!
went to school to meet exco people to choreograph the dance for the stage performance at 2010 open house! so excited lol! Bad thing for me is ang mor songs again! Everytime never hear before de. Charis weisiang and zong ying had to leave early, so Samuel, Derrick, Shaun, Liyan and me carried on to choreograph the dance moves. FOUR hours to choreograph about a min worth of the song. LOL gee gee gee gee gee gee!
Oh yeah btw, the freaking mac is giving all sort of stupid excuses to not accept our mac orders. POOR WEATHER CONDITIONS when its not raining already. after like 4 continous calls they said that they started to receive orders again. took them like ONE FREAKING HOUR to deliver the food... those slow noobs have no sense of urgency..
Went on to vivo with derrick and shaun to buy presents!
Wa talking about vivo! The trip home was simply retarded lar! shaun and i was like typical kiasu singaporeans waiting for the MRT. Shaun was like squeezing himself into the front of the queue to get a seat in the MRT! OMG LA! there was this lady who was rushing into the train and wanted to occupy one seat for herself and another for her friend. Mr Kiasu shaun skillfully sat down on her seat and reserved another for me! WOOSH! that EMO lady had to stand on the train in the end. SIGH! LIFE'S UNFAIR! Shaun you rock!:D
Ok people! Guess thats pretty much for today liao
i'm off to watch my si da ming pu at cc55! today nice!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
@ 19:39
The first post of this blog!
I dun really know what to write though.
seen many many blogs but this is the first time i created one!
sigh.. holidays just sucks ttm..
too bored liaos!
k la! i'm off to seek advice on how to change blogskins liao!